Thursday, February 22, 2007

Mexico is a MexiGO!!

Today it became official, and I will be receiving credit for the courses in Mexico towards my degree in Guelph. Terrific!

I will learn about this:

Much cooler than reading about it in a book, eh?

That is all.


Friday, February 16, 2007

Tell them you'll pay 'em in Taco's...they love that.

(I'm kidding, but it you didn't get the reference you need to watch Drop Dead Gorgeous.)

Moving on. I couldn't wait to talk about it cause it's always on my mind...

I got accepted to a field school in Mexico this summer. I'm so pumped because it offers direct experience with the things I would like to do later in life, and looks great on a grad-school application. It costs a lot, but its worth it for all you get out of the program. There are three courses: Language and Culture, Mayan Civilization, and Ethnography Writing.

The only problem is that the University of Guelph may not recognize these three credits as acceptable towards my degree. I find out on Monday for sure, but I'm getting really frustrated lately because I just want to know. My friends that are also going mentioned that the office had said that we aren't down there long enough (3 weeks). So we'll see. If it doesn't work out then I'll go to Great Britain as originally planned and hang out with Action. Both would be sweet sweetnesses. But the first option would get me out of university a lot faster.

So if you want to post a comment and let me know what you think, that'd be cool. Otherwise prayers are always appreciated!


PS Fieldtrips to see the Mayan Ruins / Palenque on weekends. Google it.

Monday, February 12, 2007

The Bulge

About a year ago my friend Julie sent me this picture in an email. I recently looked at it again and haven't stopped laughing since. It's a gem.

In other news, my week is chaos. I really don't want to go through it, but I must. I have three midterms, two more events, and two assignments to complete by Friday. Then comes reading week. Sweet, sweet reading week. Where, unfortunately, I will actually be...ugh...reading.

I have exciting news which will be official as of Wednesday evening. Be sure to check back.

EDIT: Results not in yet. Check back on Monday, likely.

Until then,


Thursday, February 8, 2007

Biscuits and Cream

Last night I partook in some ice cream. Being the resourceful person that I am, I avoided the bother of using a bowl. I thought I would save some water by not having to wash one after.

A few scoops in, Lonnie asks what flavour I was having. I had to think for a while, because I suppose I forgot. I ended up having to look down at the container, conveniently, and I replied "Biscuits and Cream". I didn't even think of this as a problem until he looked at me with an open mouth laugh. To which I realised Biscuits is simply Cookie in french. At which point, I started to laugh like Megan Thompson (Thommy): Sea Otter.

I don't think blogging about it serves it justice.

All for now,


Sunday, February 4, 2007

Like It's My J-o-b (5:2)

Job 5:2 "Surely resentment destroys the fool and jealousy kills the simple"

There should be no big worry if we're not bigger, faster, stronger than anyone else. It only harms us in the end.

Yesterday I got turned down from a summer job. Although it stings that I didn't get it...I'm okay with it. Not only because of what I wrote above, but it's just not my cause. The job was to be on the Orientation Team as the academic liason, and to be honest, I could care less about new university students. Other options await me, even if it is just pouring coffee all summer.

Goals for the day:
- clean room
- send in an application for another summer job
- read about kinship or something
- develop a research proposal
- watch superbowl

number one doesn't look promising.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

The Macchioto

I'm the Bloggiest Blogger You Ever Blogged.

So I felt that my life is too crazy busy for me to be able to connect with all the people I care about, so I got myself this blog so we can maintain that...without actually having to speak with each other. Thank Goodness.

For those of you who know me...I like to think of random things and then speak them without actually processing them first. This is an outlet for them for those who do not get the pleasure of hearing it daily. Example. I work at Starbucks Coffee Co, and tonight at work I was thinking "I feel as though the word Macchiato sounds like it should have more letters in it. It only has nine, but it should at least be twelve." Then my coworker Natalie (who also has this verbious problem) concurred with me, but thinks there should be ten. Mah-khey-ahh-toe. My shift supervisor, Rhonda, just laughed at us. Well, at me.